Thursday, 31 January 2013

FREEBIE: February Calendar Printable

Hello and welcome back. 

My posts have been few and far between (two in the month of January), I apologise....

Morning sickness really is a  bitch  bugger to handle. 

But I'm coming back through the other end and I'm beginning to feel more human, more sociable. 

So I will be posting more often...

Get used to it :-) 


As Promised, here is the link for FEBRUARY'S freebie calendar download which was created by the fabulous Tiffany Designs. Find out more about Tiffany Designs over on Majo's Blog.

(see link below)

This is just a teeny tiny low res file, so please DO NOT download it from here....

And don't forget, my calendar is coming up in the next few month, so come back and download mine.