Wednesday, 12 June 2013

COMING SOON!!!!! Pin Hop!

                                                                   The Pin hop story
This January a group of designers got together and created a pattern design blog hop, which turned out a great success!  But looking through more than 50 separate designers blogs took ages!
So, after that weekend they started a serious discussion: How to keep the idea and creative input of a blog hop, but make it easier to pick and mix and find just your favorites? The answer was, of course, Pinterest!
Where else can the visitor get a quick overlook and  pick out exactly want they want to see, without going through every link in a chain? And all designs are clickable, taking the visitor directly to the designers blog, to see the whole portfolio. On pinterest you can also make comments, share, like, and save to your own favorites. Perfect for all visual artists!
So here it is, the first ever Pattern design Pin hop!
On saturday, June 15, close to 50 designers will be presenting brand new designs via a special Pinhop board located on the Find New Designers pinterest site.
There will be full collections presented by those designers own web sites or blogs but the main design you can pin to your own board.
They will pin their best interpretations of 4 different themes from an A/W 13-14 brief (by to this unique board!

This board is hosted by Find New Designers, a fast growing directory of independent professional print and pattern designers
This pin hop is organized by Tina Olsson, who sells her design under the name FYLLAYTA
Hope to see you on the PIN HOP THIS Saturday June 15th!!!!

Thanks to Tigerprint for this little feature on todays blog: